Cal OER 2023 Program
Wednesday, August 2, 9:30 am – Friday , August 4, 11:45 amAll times are Pacific Standard TimeTable of Contents
Breakout Strands
1 Engaging Students in OER
2 Advocating for OER
3 Sustainability
4 Exploring OER
5 Demonstrating the Impact and Efficacy of OER
6 Open Pedagogy
Wednesday, August 2
9:30 am – 10:45 am Opening General Session, Welcome and 1st Keynote
Andi Adkins Pogue
Librarian and Affordable Educational Resources Committee Chair, Cosumnes River College
Sacramento, California
James Preston
President, West Hills College Lemoore
Lemoore, California
11:00 - 11:45 Breakout Session I
1 OER, Diversity, Students, and AI: Inclusion Wonderland!
Shelli Wynants, Cal State Fullerton
This presentation will discuss how an instructor can use a combination of mechanisms (Open Educational Resources, student feedback data, and Artificial Intelligence) to create an inclusive wonderland!
2 We’re on Our Way: West’s Path to Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) Degrees
Anthony Cuomo, West Los Angeles College
Ryan Edwards, West Los Angeles College
Ana Figueroa, West Los Angeles College
This session will describe West’s participation in the year-long American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U)’s 2022-2023 Institute on Open Educational Resources (IOER). AAC&U’s year-long Institute on OER is designed for campuses aspiring to launch or expand initiatives to develop or leverage free and affordable materials in teaching and learning contexts. After West was accepted into the Institute, West's 8-person team created an IOER action plan for West to analyze OER/ZTC data in the Fall 2022 semester, to determine gaps in course/subject offerings and to plan the identification of 1-5 ZTC Associate Degrees for Transfer for the Spring 2023 semester.
4 Learning Lab 101: Building Momentum to Improve Student Learning through Grants, Faculty Support/Networking and More
Marisa Cheung, California Education Learning Lab
Rob Shorette, California Education Learning Lab
The California Education Learning Lab (Learning Lab) is a unique, state-funded grant-making program that funds faculty teams to develop and test teaching and learning innovation, from active learning pedagogical approaches to adaptive learning technologies. Creating OER and closing equity gaps in public higher education especially for underrepresented minoritized students are core to its mission. Whether you are new to or already familiar with Learning Lab, hear about what’s cooking in the lab as it enters its sixth year of grant-making and related programming designed to reach faculty across the California Community Colleges, California State University and University of California campuses. Get a taste of OER creations funded by the lab and efforts to broaden dissemination across the state.
6 Open Pedagogy in the Creative Commons Certificate Program: A Small Case Study and a Big Provocation
Jonathan Poritz, Creative Commons
Suzanne Wakim, Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Open Educational Resources Initiative
The Creative Commons (CC) Certificate program is a global training opportunity that focuses on open licenses, copyright, and the ethos of sharing. In 2002, Creative Commons courses with a greater emphasis on open pedagogy were piloted. The results were… mixed! The audience will be invited to look critically at what assumptions open pedagogy makes about learning and to discuss how questioning those assumptions might lead to better outcomes.
2 Trust the Process: How 3 Non-OER Librarians Became OER Advocates
Nicole Arnold, UC Irvine
Nicole Carpenter, UC Irvine
Carrie Cullen, UC Irvine
What do you do when your campus has a need for OER advocacy but does not have an official OER Librarian? This is how three subject librarians from one R1 campus managed to create an affordable course materials and OER initiative grant.
11:45 - 1:00 Lunch
1:00 - 1:45 Breakout Session II
3 OER, ZTC, and Academic Freedom – Liberties and Limitations
Michelle Pilati, Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Open Educational Resources Initiative (ASCCC OERI)
Julie Bruno, ASCCC OERI
Efforts to increase the use of OER and to move a college to being zero-textbook-cost often are often challenged by concerns about academic freedom. Can institutional goals be established and met without faculty rights being violated? How do you balance the societal interest – or moral imperative – in ensuring education is affordable for students with a faculty member’s freedom to select the resources they believe to be best for the curriculum? Join us as we navigate the intersections of societal interests, faculty purview, academic freedom, OER, and ZTC.
6 Deepening Student Learning in Online World Language Courses via the Knowledge Development Model and Open Educational Resources
Jerry Parker, Southeastern Louisiana University
Open Educational Resources (OER) provide the opportunity to accelerate student learning by integrating non-traditional tools such as websites, videos, and social media posts into each lesson. This presentation will demonstrate the utility of the Knowledge Development Model (Adams, 2017) in combination with OER in world language courses. This presentation will show how such tools can be normalized into online courses to deepen levels of student learning.
4 Interpersonal Communication: Collaborating across the state to build an interactive text
Alex Mata, San Diego Miramar College
Hilary Altman, Merritt College
Shagun Kaur, ASCCC OERI
In this panel discussion, we will share recently developed openly-licensed materials, showcasing successful collaboration among faculty across the state to develop a textbook and ancillary materials for Interpersonal Communication. Our project addresses the critical need for affordable, accessible, and high-quality learning materials while emphasizing the importance of student-centered content materials.
3 Libraries and Textbooks and Homework, Oh My! Mastering the LibreVerse for your OER needs
Delmar Larsen, LibreTexts
LibreTexts is building textbooks, but also components for online assessment, project management, and software for curation and correction. These are coherently designed with a rich set of training resources. Those new to the system can rapidly build OER to support their curricula and students using LibreTexts' drag and drop remixer. There are over 2,400 textbooks – with more than 400,000 pages – that can be remixed. About half of this content is held in a central store, and the other in campus-branded bookshelves. The books can be edited to incorporate new material and changed when needed. Project management software coordinates building OER with teams, including LibreTexts project liaisons. An accessibility dashboard, coordinated with text pages, supplements the accessibility checker built into the text editor. Once finished, the project management app holds peer reviews, adoption reports, and supplementary materials such as slide decks. The ADAPT online homework system includes a learning analytics dashboard integrated into the project management app. Questions can be embedded in the texts or used as summative tests. Come join the LibreTexts project as it moves into the future.
2:00 - 2:45 Breakout Session III
2 Public Universities for Private Profit: A Look Into Automatic Textbook Billing at UCLA and Student Resistance
Kaitlyn Wagman, Michelson 20MM Foundation
Sujana Sridhar, University of California, Los Angeles
The University of California is continuing to engage in harmful contracts with textbook publishers at the expense of student data, freedom, and finances. Two UCLA student leaders will give participants a crash course on the issues of textbook affordability at the UC level, as well as potential solutions like UC-wide adoption of OERs.
4 The Odyssey of an Open Textbook: Taming a Chimera
Charity Davenport, Pellissippi State Community College
In this session, we will embark on a journey with a former English as a second language instructor who undertook the ambitious task of designing an open textbook. The presenter will share challenges and triumphs, starting from the spark of inspiration to the successful pilot. Furthermore, they will provide valuable insights gained from this experience, offering practical advice for anyone interested in starting an OER textbook project.
1 Wrap Around Student-Generated Open Educational Resources
Lesley Farmer, CSU Long Beach
Want “wrap-around” instructional materials? Having a hard time finding relevant OERs for them? Leave it to your students! Not only will the results enrich the course, but generating wrap-around OERs will heighten student engagement and conceptual understanding. Plus, the materials can be published, contributing to OER repositories. Learn how to optimize student-generated OERs now.
2 Making it Easy to Say "Yes" - Supporting Faculty to Adopt Open Educational Resources
Andi Adkins Pogue, Cosumnes River College
Cosumnes River College has made impressive gains in its goal to become a zero textbook cost college. Participants will get a tour of the Google site created to support faculty who are switching to OER. You’ll also learn how similar tools could be created and managed at your institutions.
3:00 - 3:45 Breakout Session IV
1 Using and Implementing the Platform Adaptable Strategic Solution (PASS) Template for General Chemistry: Engaging a First-Year Student Research Partner to Help Enhance our LibreText
Lindsay Blackstock, Thompson Rivers University
Ashlynn Jensen, Thompson Rivers University
A Thompson Rivers University Instructional Innovation Grant facilitated a partnership with a first-year student researcher to develop comprehensive solutions for general chemistry OER practice problems. Here we share the PASS Template, a literature-based student-centered approach to solving practice problems; experiences in the tool’s utilization as well as implementation into LibreTexts.
3 Ready-made tools to build your sustainable OER program
Shagun Kaur, Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Open Educational Resources Initiative (ASCCC OERI)
Suzanne Wakim, ASCCC OERI
Building a sustainable OER program takes tools! ASCCC OERI has developed an entire toolbox to help you! These include trainings for your faculty, recorded webinars, curated lists of newly created OER, and many more. We give you a guided-tour of the many resources you can use or adapt.
2 OER in Retention, Tenure, and Promotion: Shifting Resistance Paradigms Towards Embracing Campus Culture Change
Elaine Correa, California State University, Bakersfield
Alexander Reid, California State University, Bakersfield
In this session the feedback received and the strategies learned from our pilot study of the role of OER in retention, tenure, and promotion (RTP) will be shared, along with recommendations on how to advance OER and advocate for increased OER adoption. Challenges with OER in RTP will be discussed along with shifting resistance paradigms towards embracing campus culture changes that are intertwined with diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.
3 Money Talk: OER Grant Fundraising 101
Cailyn Nagle, Michelson 20MM Foundation
Eric Smith, College of the Canyons
OER needs financial support from institutions, the government, and foundations. Grant writing is a skill OER practitioners can learn and hone. With beginner tips from a grant writer, a grant winner, and an OER funder, this panel gives participants tools to identify funding streams, build relationships, and write compelling grants.
Thursday, August 3
9:30 - 10:45 General Session
California Higher Education System Updates
Representatives from California's three segments of public higher education, the California Community Colleges, the California State University, and the University of California, will provide updates on their systems' OER, zero-textbook-cost, and textbook affordability efforts. Legislation and state goals will be addressed, as appropriate. Time will be allotted for questions and answers.
11:00 - 11:45 Breakout Session V
3 Sustained Effort to Build a Robust Collection of OER/ZTC to Support Evergreen Valley College’s Faculty Instruction and Student Learning
Tejal Desai-Naik, Evergreen Valley College
Ly-Huong Pham, Evergreen Valley College
This session will provide an overview of how efforts to empower faculty resulted in the establishment of a sustained OER/ZTC support program. Learn how Evergreen Valley College’s focused work on humanizing curriculum and instruction to achieve equity, opportunity, and social justice for our students has advanced its OER/ZTCs efforts.
2 Transfer student perspectives on ZTC at the CCC, CSU, & UC systems
Allen Kuo, Michelson 20MM Foundation
Saigel Ghotra, San Diego Miramar College
Edward Borek, San Diego State University
Emily Smith, University of California San Diego
As California pursues ZTC programming across the CCC system, students are advocating for their experiences to be put at the forefront of these rollouts. This panel of CCC system students will speak about their experiences with textbook costs, benefits of ZTC, and challenges that CCCs face in pursuit of ZTC.
4 CA Consortium for Equitable Change at Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) with OER (CC ECHO) Project Showcase
Kelsey Smith, West Hills College Lemoore
CC ECHO is developing culturally relevant OER and training materials to meet the critical needs of students at HSIs. Over 20 OERs are in development using a DEI lens to ensure that students' lived experiences are included. Join us to learn more and to see a showcase of our OER projects!
2 Creative Commons Training for Enhanced OER Advocacy
Shanna Hollich, Creative Commons
Join Creative Commons staff to learn how training partnerships can help you more effectively advocate for OER in your community. We’ll outline CC’s current learning and training options available to help faculty and staff librarians and educators learn more about copyright, open licensing, and how to be an OER champion.
11:45 - 1:00 Lunch
1:00 - 2:15 Keynote Session II
Curt Newton
Director, Massachusetts Institute of Technology OpenCourseWare
Cambridge, Massachusetts
2:30 - 3:15 Breakout Session VI
5 Engaging Campus Stakeholders in OER/ZTC Growth with Outcomes Data
Marina Aminy, California Virtual Campus
Una Daly, CCCOER, Open Education Global
Kimberly Coutts, Miracosta College
Kelsey Smith, West Hills College Lemoore
Studies show that OER/ZTC usage reduces barriers to student success. With renewed funding available, it is critical to analyze how OER/ZTC usage creates more equitable outcomes for historically underserved students. Our panel, featuring an administrator, faculty, and researcher, will share effective strategies for measuring outcomes and engaging stakeholders.
6 Opening Up Opportunities: The Open Science Movement as a Critical Component of Open Education
Mary-Kate Finnegan, Sacramento State
Alicia Zuniga, Sacramento State
Let’s discuss the Open Science (OS) movement! In this presentation participants will learn the tenets of OS, some of the ways leveraging OS in the classroom empowers the next generation of researchers, and where to find OS tools and resources.
4 Tarea Libre: A First-year Spanish OER Homework Ancillary
Sarah Harmon, Cañada College
Alejandro Lee, Santa Monica College
Nancy Meléndez-Ballesteros, College of the Canyons
Cristina Moon, Chabot College
The Tarea Libre OER project consists of a comprehensive and accessible question bank of 1,400 interactive activities created in LibreStudio and ADAPT for first-year Spanish courses. This ancillary fills an existing gap in OER and increases the likelihood of OER adoption in first-year Spanish courses.
2 Accessibility and OER: Challenges and Opportunities
Charles Hatcher, ISKME
The accessibility of OER is important for equity, affordability, and inclusion. So what percentage of currently-available OER adheres to generally-accepted standards of Universal Design for Learning? This question, and what it would take to make OER more accessible than its current state, is answered here.
3:30 - 4:15 Breakout Session VII
3 Sustaining OER: Navigating the OER Commons California Community College Hub
Marissa Martinez, Michelson 20MM Foundation
Megan Simmons, Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education (ISKME)
Michelson 20MM, in partnership with ISKME, will be providing faculty and OER advocates a training on how to navigate the CCC Hub and maximize their user experience and will showcase Compton College’s OER initiative as an example of how others can use the platform for their work. The training will be followed by a discussion on how the CCC Hub can be transformed to better support faculty and OER advocates as we pivot towards the current needs of the community.
5 Planting Roots, Blending Vines, and Building Community: The MERLOT Experiment, The Digital Marketplace Initiative, and The Affordable Learning Solutions Program
Gerry Hanley, CSU Long Beach
Learn about the 30-year history of MERLOT, with its derivative initiatives, and how its core principles were used to design, deploy, and sustain MERLOT's services and impact in California, the U.S. and around the world.
4 Mastering ADAPT - Your Free OER Homework System
Delmar Larsen, LibreTexts
One of the principal limiting factors in large scale adoption of OER is the absence of comparable free or low-cost homework platforms to complement existing and developing OER textbooks. This presentation addresses the LibreTexts efforts to remove this barrier by building and expanding the open-source ADAPT homework system - a central component of the "LibreVerse" ecosystem of courseware technologies - to supplant existing for-profit commercial systems. ADAPT is designed as a centralized OER question bank (>150 k questions) that combines adaptive learning incorporating learning trees with culturally responsive pedagogy for advanced use. We will demonstrate how instructors can use ADAPT to augment existing and newly constructed OER textbooks with summative exercises and embed them in LMSs, LibreTexts textbooks, in a standalone web application, and in-class clickers. Discussions will demonstrate how the ADAPT empowers faculty to build and use existing questions in multiple modalities.
Friday, August 4
9:30 - 10:45 Final Keynote
Jeff Gallant, Program Director, Affordable Learning Georgia
Athens, Georgia
11:00 - 11:45 Breakout Session VIII
6 Liquid Classes: Designing and Displaying Courses with Google Sites
Alex Dejean, Los Angeles Harbor College
Be part of an informative presentation exploring the utilization of Google Sites in course design. Learn how this versatile platform empowers you to create a blueprint of your online course, encompassing structured content and intuitive navigation. Experience how faculty and students can access the published site, gaining valuable insights into your course's structure.
2 Navigating “Inclusive Access” and “Equitable Access”: What OER Advocates Need to Know
Hailey Babb, SPARC
The growth of “Inclusive Access” and “Equitable Access” programs is challenging the progress OER advocates have made over the last decade. This session will provide an overview of the national landscape and what California OER advocates need to know.
5 SCALE: A Student-Centered Adaptive Learning Environment
Hubert Cecotti, California State University, Fresno
Luis Valencia, California State University, Fresno
Earvin Balderama, California State University, Fresno
Rajee Amarasinghe, California State University, Fresno
This presentation describes SCALE: A Student-Centered Adaptive Learning Environment. It is an adaptive learning tool for students in college algebra and precalculus courses. The system incorporates teaching and learning resources from other OER: OpenStax and ADAPT. Students can navigate through the learning activities with a map of learning outcomes.
6 The Power of Open Pedagogy in the Open for Antiracism (OFAR) Program
Una Daly, CCCOER, Open Education Global
James Glapa-Grossklag, College of the Canyons
Joy Shoemate, College of the Canyons
The OFAR program engages faculty in transforming their classrooms to be antiracist through OER and open pedagogy. Over 90% of participants reported improving their teaching practices through open pedagogy and non-disposable assignments. Join our panel to hear from current participants and how you can be involved in OFAR 2023-24.