Call for Proposals

Responsive Pedagogy: Extending Local Innovation to Advance Global Impact 

Cal OER 2024’s theme, "Responsive Pedagogy: Extending Local Innovation to Advance Global Impact," underscores the importance of tailoring educational resources to meet the unique needs of diverse local communities while fostering a collaborative spirit that transcends borders.

Presentation Tracks

In order to coordinate sessions and facilitate scheduling, individuals submitting proposals are asked to identify which of the following tracks their proposal is most aligned with. As open educational resources and open pedagogy are fundamental approaches to addressing issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion, these themes are presumed to be integrated throughout most proposals.

Call for Proposals - Closed June 3, 2024

1. Engaging Students in OER

Proposals in this track are uniquely focused on students – efforts to engage students in OER advocacy, involve students in OER development, and proposals from students are anticipated in this track. 

2. Advocating for OER

Proposals in this track explore approaches to advocating for OER, including demonstrations of the impact of OER, and/or creating a local environment that encourages and fosters OER adoption and development.  

3. Sustainability

Proposals in this track consider mechanisms for ensuring that today’s high-quality resources are still relevant and current tomorrow. Presentations should focus on sustainable approaches to reducing or eliminating instructional material costs for students.

4. Exploring OER

New to OER? Where – and how – do you find OER that might meet your needs? This track is designed for the OER novice and to showcase new OER. 

5. Demonstrating the Impact and Efficacy of Open Pedagogy

Proposals in this track focus on showcasing open authoring and open pedagogy as a means of improving student outcomes.


45 minutes (30 min presentation, 15 min Q & A), but would encourage presenters to use audience engagement strategies, such as 1-2 polls/activities